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BLUE MOUNTAIN SPRINGS is an international distributor of Blue Spring Topical Pain Relief, Pure Natural Emu Oil Products and a wealth of other Health and Wellness products. We are the exclusive, authorized licensee of Blue Spring Wellness products for Canada. Founded with the miracle "Super Blue Stuff" topical pain relief products, we've expanded into nutrition and spa lines.

Our balanced product line truly helps our customers "Refresh, Rejuvenate, Revive and Replenish".

We chose BLUE MOUNTAIN SPRINGS as our company name because we feel the name reflects and celebrates the rebirth and life renewal of Spring (the season) and evokes the life-sustaining splendor of a blue water spring framed in the background by majestic mountains. Blue is also the natural color of the sky and natural reminder of the past and the many natural ingredients we proudly include in our quality products. It seems a fitting name for a company committed to health and wellness, topical pain relief, and the natural quality of life.

To read the Super Blue Stuff Story click here.